Life was never busier
getting ready to sign
Things are never set in stone
Friday 16th of September 2016. Although we had prepared the house for the arrival of children back in February, there were a few things here and there that needed attention.
We finished landscaping the garden, set up a treehouse with a green slide into a lovely sand box—or so we thought until the boys started to play in it, now we are not so sure “lovely” is the right way to describe it, baby gates went up on the walls and locks on every door and drawers.
We were ready —again, so we thought.
Ten days to our deadline to complete the purchase of Belebat —the new date was set for September 16th, 2016. With September arrived our dear friend Lolis, visiting from Argentina so we packed the car and off we went on a field trip to France to visit the house. Floating along the channel, sipping champagne on the deck of the ferry, watching the white chalky cliffs of Dover disappear before us, I remembered leaving the keys to the chateau at home. In Greenwich. Next to a pile of Country living Magazine on the dining table. Not agood start.
CHEERS! Lolis, Jeff and I sipping champagne —before I remember about the forgotten keys.
Eight days to our deadline and Jeff, Lolis and I were having a cup of coffee with Marion at her incredibly grand house in Tours. “There is another buyer interested in the chateau, He also comes with a cash offer and it is considerably larger than yours,” Marion said. Nobody wanted to hear that sort of news and I soon realized that my coffee didn’t have enough whisky in it to wash down such disclosure. “Of course we will honor our arrangement and wait for you until next Friday,” she continued. Well, at least then I could finish my coffee as it was. We left soon after, with a new set of keys in hand.
Mate-ing at the chateau
A new buyer? It didn’t take us long to figure it all out. With our original contract expired, the chateau was listed with a new agency and with our offer as the new price tag —obviously there would be a few new interesados.
Anyway, we now have the money ready to be transfered, it is all down to a speculation game with the exchange rate. This morning, right before breakfast and overflowed with excitement, we sent the “go ahead” email to the estate agent.
Monsieur Bertrand’s reply came through rather fast , although not quite the response we expected. Please see image below.
Sold. Gone. Our reply was quick and short. It read, “Merci beaucoup. Très cordialement, O. Rinaldi.” And just like that Belebat slowly squeezed through our fingers, fading on the gleaming screen.